About Me

Hello! My name is Manan, and I'm a Product Leader and Investor. Early on in my career, when I worked at the Federal Reserve Board, I was luckily able to work under a Product Manager to help create the first iOS mobile app in the agency's history.
This experience drew me to the entrepreneurial community at Cornell University. It inspired me to begin building products & solving challenging problems in teams.

Since then, I have helped build multiple venture-backed startups as a product manager. Today, I am involved in several startup & venture communities. I am a founding member of Primary Venture Partners' Product Mastermind Network and a member of Hustle Fund's Angel Squad.

Other Interests & Hobbies!

In my free time, I follow a few sports (NBA, NFL), and my favorite teams are the Brooklyn Nets and New York Giants. Learning about nutrition & fitness and reading about the markets/tech/start-ups are also interests of mine.
When I'm not doing any of those things, you can probably find me watching movies, viewing comedy, listening to interviews on YouTube, competing in fantasy football, or playing pick-up basketball.

Let's Connect:

If you would like to work together or if I can help you, please feel free to email me: mnm67@cornell.edu
You can also connect with me on LinkedIn here.